Case Digest: People v Mapa

People v Mapa

GR No. L-22301 

30 Aug 67

        On or about August 13, 1962, Mario Mapa was apprehended due to possession of an unlicensed firearm. The defendant admitted before the trial court that he was carrying the unlicensed firearm and that he does not have a permit to carry such a weapon. In his defense, he said that he is a secret agent of the Governor of Batangas and that he is exempt from the requirement of securing a license of firearm. The defendant also showed a certification that he was appointed as such.

Issue: whether or not an agent of the governor can hold a firearm without a permit issued by the Philippine Constabulary

Held: In the present case, there is no room for interpretation or construction because the law is clear. The law provides for the class of people who are not covered in the prohibitive law. No exemption was provided for secret agents. Construction and interpretation come only after it has been demonstrated that application is impossible or inadequate without them."

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